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Headspace: Guide to Meditation

I came across Headspace - Guide to Meditation on Netflix while I was trying to find a movie to watch. I had heard about the app, but had never really delved into it.

Season 1 (I hope they make more) has eight, twenty minute episodes that focus on a different meditation technique per segment. Some of the topics include "How to Deal with Stress," "How to Fall in Love with Life," and "How to be kind."

The series is hosted by the founder of Headspace, Andy Puddicombe. Andy gave up on a "normal life" and trained to become a Buddhist monk. He travelled the world studying meditation from all cultures and decided to share his knowledge with the world in an approachable way.

Each episode is beautifully illustrated and narrated. I could just watch the flowing images with no sound at all. The sessions begin with an outline of the meditation's intention and examples of real world application. Then Andy guides you into the practice itself. It's a great platform to both learn, try something new and/or further your practice.

If you have Netfliix, make sure to add this to your list and be sure to let me know if you enjoy it!


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