Prithvi Mudra

Need a simple practice to feel more grounded?  This simple mudra can help!  Prithvi Mudra (Earth Seal) can be used alone or part of a meditation or yoga practice.  It can help ground your spirit and your mind.  It also improves concentration, confidence and can all together give you a more stable self.

Each finger carries one of the five elements (earth, air, water, fire and ether). For this mudra, we are taking the earth element (ring finger) and igniting it with the fire element (thumb).

Now we practice:

• Find a comfortable seat

• Sit up tall, extending your spine and lifting through the top of your head

• Rest your hands on your knees – starting with palms facing up

• Bring your thumbs and ring ringers to touch

• Let your thumbs move slowly over the ring fingers to find the exact right connection point, where you feel the grounding energy ignite and grow stronger

• Start focusing on your breath

• Inhale feeling the earth energy rise up in the body

• Exhale allowing the body to connect to the earth

• Repeat this cycle as long as you’d like. Recommended 10-30 minutes.

 Now you’ve practiced this in meditation, try and add it into your yoga practice; maybe when you are taking a balancing posture such as tree or dancer. 

Let me know how it goes!


Pushan Mudra


Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra