Makara Mudra

Makara is a Sanskrit word which means "sea dragon" or "water-monster." It is the origin of the Hindi word for crocodile. Crocodiles were depicted as guardians of gateways and thresholds. Some of the hindu goods even used them as transportation.

The Makara Mudra honors the attribute of a crocodile to be able to reserve its energy until its most needed and then release it in a feat of tremendous strength. This mudra can help you do the same. It can help you find and fill an energy reserve inside you to hold onto until you need it most.

Now we practice:

  • Take a comfortable seat

  • Slide the right thumb between the pinky and ring finger on your left hand letting the thumb rest on the center of your palm.

  • Let the rest of the right hand cup the back of the left hand.

  • On the left hand bring the ring finger and thumb to touch, leaving the rest of the fingers extended.

  • Rest the mudra in your lap and take mindful breaths for 4-10 minutes.

  • Focus on the breath and the points where your hands are connected.

  • Let thoughts come and go as you breathe, never letting them stay for too long.

  • When you have reached the end of your meditation, release the mudra and enjoy a few more breaths before moving on with your day.




Crow Pose