Crow Pose

Crow pose builds confidence, increases balance, and strengthens your entire body. Always remember to warmup prior to trying any arm balances. Trust yourself and your body to push yourself to the limit but not past. There are a few different variations of crow pose, with many of the principles being the same. I'll talk through the details and a couple of modifications for the one pictured above. (note that my hands are a little too close together for the "stacking" discussed below)

*Have blankets and blocks handy if you are just beginning your journey with this asana.

Now we practice:

  • Start in Malasana (garland pose / squat)

    • Blanket can be directly in front of you in case you fall forward

  • Make sure the knees are open wide, feet pointing 45 degrees out or more

  • Place your hands on the floor shoulder width apart (fingers can point forward or slightly outward)

  • Press your triceps into the inside of your knees

  • Make sure your gaze is forward

  • Bend your elbows and start to lean forward

  • As you lean forward, pull in and up on your pelvis and solar plexus area (root and uddiyana bandhas)

  • You have leaned forward the correct amount when your elbows are stacked on top of the wrists

  • If you have made it here great! Try lifting one foot off the ground and then put it down

  • Try the other foot

  • Try lifting the feet up one at a time ending with both feet in the air

  • Bring your toes to touch

  • You are flying!!!!!


  • Try to get into the position while laying on your back (no balance required)

  • Start your malasana on blocks so when you stick your hands down your knees will start higher on the triceps

Once you achieve crow pose, you will feel like you can fly!


Makara Mudra


Viloma Breathing