Weeping Willow Yoga Garuda mudra.jpg

Garuda Mudra

This mudra is named after the eagle that Lord Vishnu, Hindu God of Preservation would ride across the sky. It is said to help balance energy, and activates blood flow and circulation, and helps with exhaustion and mood fluctuations. It also helps cultivates perseverance, commitment and discipline.

Now we practice:

  • Place both palms facing up.

  • Put the right wrist on top on the left wrist. Place the wrist in such a way that the fingers of the two hands do not cover each other

  • After that interlock both thumbs. Palms facing upwards.

  • The pose should look like a bird’s wings.

  • You can leave the hands open or hold them over your heart.

  • Close your eyes and take some deep breaths.

  • Concentrate on your breath and the mudra.

  • Practice for 5-15 min a day

Affirmation to repeat as you breath:
I am inwardly free. I get what is due to me and I live in harmony with my world.

*Affirmation from Mudras-Yoga in your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi
