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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra or sometimes called “yogic sleep” is a form of deep meditation that anyone can practice.  Start by laying on your back in Savasana or finding some other position that you can completely relax in.  The use of props is encouraged to help your body adjust to the stillness.  Some may use a bolster under the knees or a sandbag (or cat) to help weigh down the abdomen to achieve a grounding sensation.

All yoga nidra practices are auditory based and either read in a live setting or pre-recorded.  You can even pre-record one yourself.  The intent of the meditation is to start heightening your awareness of the outside world and slowly step by step taking your attention inward.  Some yoga nidra meditations have a specific focus (inner strength, lessen anxiety, etc) and others allow for you to set your own intention, your sankalpa, to focus on for the duration.

Try and remain alert through the process, but it is possible that you may fall asleep; and that’s ok!  That’s what your body needed at that moment.  Try again later! The longer the practice, the deeper you will be able to go.   

Below is a short Yoga Nidra practice for you to try.  I’d love to hear about your experience or if you have any questions!

Now we practice:

  • Find a comfortable resting position

  • Click on the Yoga Nidra Meditation below


Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra


Sitali Breath